Default Format Strings

The default format string, which is compatible with Eclipse and GNU Emacs C++ mode (that is to say, it will link to the correct file, line, and column), is:

%F(%l,%c): %?u==0%(%?h%(Err%:Msg%)%:-->%)(%G:%N) %R(%u, )%t%?v%(\n%v%)

The default format string for annotated source (STDOUT and STDERR) is:

%?C%(%^%)%?u==0%(%?h%(Err%:Msg%)%:-->%F:%l:%c %)(%N) %R(%u, )%t%?v%(\n%v%)

The default format string for annotated source (HTML) is:

%?C%(%^%)%?u==0%(%?h%(Err%:Msg%)%:-->%F:%l:%c %)(<a href=\"file://%H\"> %p-%N</a>)%R (%u, )%t%?v%(<br/>%v%)

The default format string for SARIF output is “” i.e., no custom format string will be produced.